Sunday, December 2, 2012

Do you ever have one of those days?

          Alright so I know It's been awhile since I posted anything.So how was Every ones Thanksgiving? Mine was pretty good. you know just the usual family get together. Anyone go black-Friday shopping? I didn't, but then come to think about it I've never actually gone either. Maybe next year. Alrighty then, onto the topic of the day DRAMA! And as usual opening story about me.
          Sometimes I wonder if the world just loves to torture me. I have been wanting a cellphone since I was like thirteen, so three years. My parents pretty much have this whole no on everything till I'm out of high school rule. I know stupid right. That's what I thought, but then I got to thinking about it. If I had a cell phone, if I could date, if I could do anything I wanted whenever, what would my life look like?
          It would be a mess. That's what.
          So I got to thinking about it. I don't have a cell phone and I don't have a boyfriend. My life is pretty much drama free. Right?
          Well, no. I still create my own drama, just for the sake of it. We live in a world where all we care about is trying to be the most noticed.
          Look around you! Is it really worth it all? The popularity, the cute guys, all the so called "friends"? Over the years I've learned that I will never be able to be one of those popular people you see. Why do we really want to be popular anyways?
         Wow, huge bunny trail there. Sorry about that, I was having one of my "what so great about popularity" rants. So back to my original topic. Drama. Dun...dun...dun.
         Why do we want to be so dramatic all the time? I mean seriously you laugh loudly and suddenly everyone in the room is looking at you, or you get into an argument with your boyfriend in a public space just so you can have other people feel sorry for you.
         Random question does anyone else like to eat popcorn and MnM's or is it just me?
         Sorry about that. So what was I talking about? Oh right Drama!!!!! That crazy thing us teenagers enjoy getting involved in. You know no one finds it weird that we get all dramatic, but what if a panda had an argument with tiger and started having a hissy fit in front of everyone? Every one would freak out. But we this generation we live in has become so accustomed to the drama that we don't even freak out about it anymore.
          So what should we do about it?
                Step 1:Well obviously we need to just take a step back; look at the reasons why we even started the drama. This is like one of those scenes in the movie when the person freezes  the screen and starts to evaluate the situation from a different perspective.
                Step 2: Think about why you even started the argument, or the fight, or whatever it is. Okay you got it? Is it worth risking a relationship, a friendship, what people might think of you?
                Step 3: Make amends! I cannot stress this one enough. You have no idea how many times I wish I had made amends with my mom and sister.

          I'm not saying this will work for everyone, but it can help lower the amount of drama you go through every day.Assuming you haven't fallen asleep on my I'm going to give you some of the tips that help me when I am in one those drama creating moods.

           Tips: Okay here's some tips that I accumulated and been given over the years.
                   1. If your having an argument stop, go to the kitchen and grab some ice cubes and hold them until you've calmed down, and if the other person isn't finished being mad at you, offer them some cubes (Don't do that they might get even more mad at you), just keep holding them until their done. Th ice cubes will help draw your mind away from the argument.
                   2. Hold your tongue. I'm serious you literally hold your tongue. Okay you might look stupid but it works. Come on lets face it you can't say anything you'll regret if you can't speak.
                   3.Music! When you wake up in the morning and you  know your going to have one of those days, listen to calming music. I try to start my day off with music, not only does it help me wake up and not be grumpy and turn into a bear, it changes the way my day goes.

         Alright that's about all I have for today. I know it was a tad bit longer than most of my posts, but drama is a big topic. I probably could've gone on for hours about it, but I won't. Be thankful for it. I can also go on for hours about how guys, speedos, and shaving their legs don't mix; but I won't. Another thing to be thankful for. Alright I should really wrap this post up So audios amigos. That's about all the Spanish I know.
        Have a great and drama free week everyone! Oh I almost forgot, if you have any tips on how you control your anger and or drama, just comment below. Alrighty then, bye!

 ~Be who yUo aRe~

My Tumblr:

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Mak a move

So I came across this song a couple of months ago, or was it a year? I don’t remember. I got it free on iTunes and totally forgot about it. So a few months ago I got addicted to this band.
This song is so powerful. It pretty much describes a lot of what I go through. I talk  big and all but when it comes time to actually do something, I can’t. That is one of the many reasons I started to blog. I was like  maybe I can touch at least one persons life on here.
So I hope you enjoy the song as much as I do. (Oh and If the song doesn’t play here’s the YouTube link

~Be who yUo aRe~

P.s: Here’s the link to my other blog. It actually has all the same posts as this one it’s just on tumblr instead of blogger.

Friday, November 9, 2012

The world isn't a fairytale...

I came across this quote the other day it said "What screws us up most in life is the picture in our head of how it's supposed to be." That got me to thinking, (which I do quite often) how do we picture life? We all think that life is some great fairytale and right now were just waiting for our prince (or princess) to come sweep us off our feet and our evil stepmother will be beaten, the dragon will be slain, and will live in a castle happily ever after.
Life is definitely not a fairytale. I should know. My life has been somewhere between my prince rescuing me and me dying when it turns out it was just another disguise. (I like metaphors as well, if you haven't noticed.) In other words my life has been a constant up and down, one day great the other horrible.
What would our lives be like if we didn't have this 'fairytale' mindset? I know Another question. (I like those too.) Often times when I am trying to figure something out and I ask myself a question I'll have the answer already there, and my brain is like "Hello! answer here." Sorry bunny trail.
So what would life be like if we looked at the world for what it truly is? Well I'll take a minute and show you what it would look like if I was in fairytale mindset and real world mindset. 
Fairytale: The world has nothing going wrong, there's no war, everyone has food, there's no homeless, my parents have jobs, my parents never got divorced, my dad/mom never left, etc. (You get the idea).
Real world: Life can be pretty messed up, There's war and are friends and family are gone fighing, your parents left, etc.
Okay so now that we have established what we want our lives to look like and what they really are, what are we going to do about it? Well we may not be able to  save the world but we can definitely make it better.
How might you ask? Well we may not be able to stop a war or help get our parents back together, but there's other stuff that can help a lot of people. You could help out a homeless shelter or a food pantry, you could help your elderly neighbors, donate food for the hurricane victims or even volunteer to help with the hurricane relief team. Theres so much out there that we could be doing to help the world. yet we never do.
Okay challenge time. (Drum role): This week try to do something to help, it can be anyone. Even if it's just helping your mom do little things.

"I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday." -Eleanor Roosevelt

~Be who yUo aRe~

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Be yourself

Death is a funny thing. You don't realize till someone or something is gone how much you truly cared for them.
This week has just been one of those "oh my gosh the world really hates me" weeks. My pet rat died... Okay I know I started this post out all serious and what not, but my rats death really put some stuff into focus for me.
We live our lives like there's no tomorrow, but what if we lived our lives in a way that there was a tomorrow? So what we messed up today, that doesn't mean we give in to the world telling us were failures and that we can't do any better. We get up off our butts and take a step. we don't even have to take a big step we can just do a shuffle.
So some of us might say that you've tried and failed. Oh trust me I know just about every excuse there is. I have tried, failed and failed again. And every time I fail I'm like why does the world hate me so much. But in all seriousness the world really doesn't hate us. Our culture has become so caught up in greed and perfection that it has given us a mindset that whenever we fail we can't do any better. So we feel like the world hates us.
This is definitely one of the many things I struggle with. I'm not perfect, I'm not one of those girls you would see and be like "Oh my gosh she's gorgeous", I'm not a super skinny model, I'm just me, and often times being just me doesn't feel like enough. So I put tons of makeup on, where the clothes that I may not feel comfortable in but the rest of the world loves and try to fit in while the real me is locked up.
It took me three years of high school to figure out that being what the world wants isn't fun. I know why did it take me so long, right? Well the thing is I was trying to impress a guy (Okay guys in general), chasing after guy's made me loose sight of who I really was.
So hears my advice for the week. Don't try to make yourself anything your not, just be you. You will definitely see a difference in your life. 

~Be who yUo aRe~

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Alright I know it's been awhile since I posted last. Life has been a little hectic with school and a part time job. So how is everyone doing with school? I know that it can seem like it will never end. Trust me it gets better.
So I came across this really cool website called Project inspired. She has awesome fashion tips for modest dressing and how we should act according to God. Here's the link
Well everyone have a great week.

~Be Who U aRe~

Monday, September 24, 2012

What defines Beauty?

What determines beauty? Is it how skinny we are? or how much makeup we put on? Sadly... it is. We pour our hearts into looking beautiful. And girls I am not just talking about us. Okay so guys don't wear makeup, but I know a lot of guys who don't feel like they fit in. I don't feel like I fit in at all I'm to overweight, I don't look as beautiful as the girl across the room. But how do I know that the girl across the room isn't thinking the exact same thing?
Alright so now that we have determined that we all feel like we don't really fit in, I want to ask another question. Your also probably wondering why I ask so many questions aren't you? See I just asked you a question without you even realizing it. So the reason why I ask so many questions is mostly because when I do I find that I find the answers in the questions. Well enough about that back to the question I was about to ask.
What is true beauty? Well you have probably heard this said like a million times from your parents or a teacher or someone you know, but I am going to tell you again. Just because I can. Beauty is on the inside far more than it is on the outside. Our hearts are the most beautiful things we have. Alright in a scientific definition a heart is big red organ that pumps blood and keeps us alive. Okay so that's true, but so is the fact that our hearts hold love and beauty far beyond makeup and how skinny we are. 
So as you begin this week of school remember to smile and tell someone how beautiful you think he/she looks. Because it can make a world of difference 

`Be who you Are~

Monday, August 27, 2012

Have you ever lost someone you loved? I have... In friendships, life, and death. And it's never easy. I recently lost a dear friend. She knew me my entire life. But I hadn't realized how much she meant to me until after she had left us. Life is funny that way, we go through it and never consider that one of your closest friends might move and you'll never see them again, or someone you know might die. And then we regret not telling them "I love you" enough.

Those three simple words don't mean what they used to. Now there thrown around without meaning. Think when you say "I love you" to someone are you saying it as a response to something they said? or are you saying it as heartfelt and loving statement?

So tell me do we really want to go throwing meaningful words around? I certainly don't. So sometime today, tomorrow, or anytime this week go up to someone you care for dearly and say "I love you." And make sure they understand that you mean it.

~Be who you are~

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Whats the point?

Whats the point of living if we do nothing? I recently turned sixteen and it hit me... I am almost out of high school and haven't done anything with my life. Who am I? Am I really just that crazy creative girl my friends know me as or could I be so much more? I mean really guy's we could be the generation to change the world. What if we did something about the world we live in? It is our world after all.

A few years ago my family and I did a homeless outreach every weekend. and we would take food and sometimes personal supplies to them. Many of them were just labeled as the "drunk homeless." What has our world come to when we label people we don't even know? How many of us are guilty of doing it? I know I am.

Here a challenge for you. Say hi to someone you don't know, compliment them make them feel special. Trust me when someone tells you your beautiful it makes your day a whole lot better.

~Be who you are~