Monday, September 24, 2012

What defines Beauty?

What determines beauty? Is it how skinny we are? or how much makeup we put on? Sadly... it is. We pour our hearts into looking beautiful. And girls I am not just talking about us. Okay so guys don't wear makeup, but I know a lot of guys who don't feel like they fit in. I don't feel like I fit in at all I'm to overweight, I don't look as beautiful as the girl across the room. But how do I know that the girl across the room isn't thinking the exact same thing?
Alright so now that we have determined that we all feel like we don't really fit in, I want to ask another question. Your also probably wondering why I ask so many questions aren't you? See I just asked you a question without you even realizing it. So the reason why I ask so many questions is mostly because when I do I find that I find the answers in the questions. Well enough about that back to the question I was about to ask.
What is true beauty? Well you have probably heard this said like a million times from your parents or a teacher or someone you know, but I am going to tell you again. Just because I can. Beauty is on the inside far more than it is on the outside. Our hearts are the most beautiful things we have. Alright in a scientific definition a heart is big red organ that pumps blood and keeps us alive. Okay so that's true, but so is the fact that our hearts hold love and beauty far beyond makeup and how skinny we are. 
So as you begin this week of school remember to smile and tell someone how beautiful you think he/she looks. Because it can make a world of difference 

`Be who you Are~

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