Sunday, November 4, 2012

Be yourself

Death is a funny thing. You don't realize till someone or something is gone how much you truly cared for them.
This week has just been one of those "oh my gosh the world really hates me" weeks. My pet rat died... Okay I know I started this post out all serious and what not, but my rats death really put some stuff into focus for me.
We live our lives like there's no tomorrow, but what if we lived our lives in a way that there was a tomorrow? So what we messed up today, that doesn't mean we give in to the world telling us were failures and that we can't do any better. We get up off our butts and take a step. we don't even have to take a big step we can just do a shuffle.
So some of us might say that you've tried and failed. Oh trust me I know just about every excuse there is. I have tried, failed and failed again. And every time I fail I'm like why does the world hate me so much. But in all seriousness the world really doesn't hate us. Our culture has become so caught up in greed and perfection that it has given us a mindset that whenever we fail we can't do any better. So we feel like the world hates us.
This is definitely one of the many things I struggle with. I'm not perfect, I'm not one of those girls you would see and be like "Oh my gosh she's gorgeous", I'm not a super skinny model, I'm just me, and often times being just me doesn't feel like enough. So I put tons of makeup on, where the clothes that I may not feel comfortable in but the rest of the world loves and try to fit in while the real me is locked up.
It took me three years of high school to figure out that being what the world wants isn't fun. I know why did it take me so long, right? Well the thing is I was trying to impress a guy (Okay guys in general), chasing after guy's made me loose sight of who I really was.
So hears my advice for the week. Don't try to make yourself anything your not, just be you. You will definitely see a difference in your life. 

~Be who yUo aRe~

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